Hartwood’s Hidden History

Nestled amongst the trees and shrubbery that surround the small village of Hartwood, sit the ruins of what was once a centre for research and development within the field of mental health and psychology - Hartwood Hospital . Those within the village are all too familiar with the ruins of Lanarkshire’s District Asylum, but for many passing through the area it is only identified by the two large towers that pierce through the treetops and dominate the natural landscape.

Hartwood’s history is troubled, yet historically significant.

It pioneered many of the modern-day techniques used in the treatment of mental health patients. Yet, much of what went on at the hospital remains a mystery and, sadly, the details of many of its residents have been lost - forgotten by the pages of history.

That’s why the work of Friends of Hartwood’s Paupers Cemetery cannot, and must not, be understated. Their dedicated team of volunteers work tirelessly in the upkeep of the cemetery grounds and are leading the pursuit for knowledge about the hospital and its residents.

Here’s William, a dedicated volunteer with the group, to explain a little bit more:


When Santa came to town…


Getting support this Summer…